
And welcome to my blog! My first attempt at writing down my obsession with knitting.

I know I think too much about yarn and knitting. And it just stays in my head; I have no real outlet for it. Nobody in my close family or friend group is a knitter. Well, some can and do knit. But more as a hobby, I guess. They’re not as obsessed as I am. They will just make a project when they need it – say a scarf – and then stop for a few months until they think of something else they need or want. Not me. I am always knitting. I am a serial knitter.

I don’t often have more than two projects on the go at the same time. I manage to keep that under control (so far at least, I can’t speak for future Evi). But when I am knitting on a project, I am constantly thinking about that one and the next five. I just can’t seem to get enough. And I don’t know anyone else like that. At least in real life and someone who is close to me. Because I know there are more knitters like me out there! I’ve met some at yarn shows.

So this blog is for me to connect with you. To get all these thoughts out of my head. To share them with someone. And hopefully to feel part of a wider community.

That is why I started this blog. To share my obsession. And to share my learnings. Because I still have so, so much to learn. And every project has one or two learnings as well. But one lesson I never seem to learn is to try out a new stitch or technique in a swatch. Nope, always doing that new thing right in the middle of the project. Even if I’ve been working on a sweater for weeks, I will still just do the new thing when it comes up in the pattern without trying it out first… Every single time. Sometimes with not so great results.

But anyway, that is why I started this blog. But who am I? I am Evi. Obsessed knitter who is slowly but surely turning her hobby into her profession. A thing she was never going to do. And while I’ve never sold things I’ve knitted; I am now a tech editor of knitting patterns and I assist with setting up two yearly knitting shows.

I started knitting almost 10 years ago. I moved to Canada from Belgium in September 2014. I didn’t know anyone here except the boy I moved to Vancouver for (more about that in a later blog post), and with winter coming, I desperately needed a new hobby to keep me from feeling too lonely or bored. I discovered knitting and obviously went a little too far with that.

Since I didn’t learn how to knit from family members or friends, I always called myself a self-taught knitter. Until someone pointed out to me that you can’t be. And they were right. I didn’t start to knit by grabbing two needles and some yarn and just did it. No, I watched YouTube videos and read blog posts. They were the ones who taught me. The people who put their time and energy into creating online videos and articles. And I owe them a debt of gratitude. So I have changed my description from “self-taught knitter” to “YouTube-taught knitter.” I wish I could remember all the people whose videos I watched and give them proper credit. And maybe that’s an ongoing project for me in the future. Try to dig up as many as I can. Because I wouldn’t be an obsessed, serial knitter without them.

This is all for now. I will try to keep these blog posts somewhat brief but regular.

Thank you for reading!

Tot de volgende keer,

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